Big solar co-op
The Big Solar Co-op project is laying the groundwork for a sustainable future by harnessing the power of community-driven solar energy.
The Big Solar Co-op project is laying the groundwork for a sustainable future by harnessing the power of community-driven solar energy.
The Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship
The Green Finance Institute (GFI) aims to establish Property Linked Finance (PLF) in the UK.
The UK’s first ever apprenticeship dedicated to low-carbon heating, including heat pumps and heat networks, is getting underway across the UK.
Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship Grant Scheme
The MCS Foundation is supporting the development and roll-out of the UK’s first dedicated heat pump apprenticeship, the Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship.
Green Finance Institute developing Property Linked Finance
The Green Finance Institute (GFI) aims to establish Property Linked Finance (PLF) in the UK.
The Green Finance Institute (GFI) aims to establish Property Linked Finance (PLF) in the UK.
Local Area Retrofit Accelerator (LARA)
Development of the Local Area Retrofit Accelerator has been led and funded by the MCS Foundation, a charity whose vision is to make every UK home carbon-free. LARA is a collaboration between the MCS Foundation and Ashden, Connected Places Catapult, National Retrofit Hub and the UK Green Building Council.
The MCS Foundation is working with Local Authorities and Combined Authorities who are wanting to develop a Local Area Retrofit plan.
Getting Gen-Z into retrofit and renewables jobs
This brief report sets out the findings of research on ‘What Gen-Z want from a Green Job’ conducted by the market research agency Savanta on behalf of the MCS Foundation.
This brief report sets out the findings of research on ‘What Gen-Z want from a Green Job’ conducted by the market research agency Savanta on behalf of the MCS Foundation.
Green Schools
Green Schools pilot project working with Schools in the London Borough of Hackney to to create plans to reduce their carbon emissions and move towards net zero.
Working with Schools in Hackney to to create plans to reduce their carbon emissions and move towards net zero
Heat pumps and battery storage training
Working with GTEC Training to develop relevant learning outcomes and MCS training packages for heat pumps and battery storage.
Developing learning outcomes and MCS training packages for heat pumps and battery storage
The Community Energy Revolution
Supporting the Local Electricity Bill drafted by Power for People which aims to make community energy a practical reality.
Supporting the Local Electricity Bill to make community energy a practical reality
Accelerating Zero Carbon Heat in Scotland
WWF Scotland project assessing how regulation and incentives could be combined to rapidly accelerate the roll-out of zero and low-carbon heating in Scotland.
Assessing how regulation and incentives could be combined to rapidly accelerate the roll-out of zero and low-carbon heating in Scotland
Superhomes Rating Scheme
The National Energy Foundation SuperHomes project recognises the achievements of those who have gone the extra mile in the eco-refurbishment of their property.
Recognising householders who have gone the extra mile in the eco-refurbishment of their property
Net Zero New Build – GHA Vanguard Networ
Working with the Vanguards network of 16 Local Authorities to accelerate the changes necessary to deliver net zero carbon new homes.
Working with local authorities to accelerate the journey to net zero carbon new homes
Sustainable Heat Insights for Fast and Fair Shift to New Zero (SHIFT-0)
Oxford University led study targeting the transition from gas to heat pumps. It will deliver a model for scalable adoption and learning, and joint publication of policy recommendations.
Oxford University led study targeting the transition from gas to heat pumps
Self consumption
Drawing on work undertake by Loughborough University, this project saw the development of a calculation method for assessing the benefits of self-consumption of solar PV energy, with and without battery storage.
Developing a calculation method for assessing the benefits of battery storage
Rebuilding the Low Energy Buildings Database
Expanding the Low Energy Buildings Database as a resource for UK homeowners, self-builders, local authorities, the construction industry and international audiences.
Expanding the Low Energy Buildings database as a resource for UK homeowners and stakeholders
Housing Archetypes & Heat Pump Deployment
This project sought to develop a methodology that could be adopted across the sector to help turn energy performance gains into measurable benefits through smart technology.
Project focussing on the qualities of different housing archetypes and the retrofit measures required to allow for optimum heat pump installations
Measured Savings, Better Outcomes
This project sought to develop a methodology that could be adopted across the sector to help turn energy performance gains into measurable benefits through smart technology.
Data-led project turning energy performance gains into measurable benefits through smart technology
Heat Pumps Now
The aim of this project is to develop and showcase the end to end heat pump service and regional supply chain needed to support the roll out of low carbon heat installations in Greater Manchester
Developing and showcasing an end to end heat pump service and supply chain for Greater Manchester
Value of Solar Homes
Research report showing how upgrading a home with a solar power system is an easy and simple way to lower a property’s running costs and increase its value while also reducing its environmental impact
Research report detailing the financial benefits of investing in solar power systems
Geothermal Energy from Mines
Development of a white paper which sets out the commercial, regulatory, market and policy interventions which are needed to address barriers, and accelerate delivery of geothermal energy from mines at scale in the UK.
Developing a calculation method for assessing the benefits of battery storage
Energising Advice Report
Scoping study to review the information and advice available to consumers on renewable energy and energy efficiency in the home
Review of the information and advice available to consumers on renewable energy and energy efficiency in the home.
Smart Solar Homes
This report examines both the individual household benefits of installing smart energy technologies, and the contribution they can make to the whole electricity system, when scaled-up across a portfolio of 4.4 million homes
Report examining the household benefits of installing smart energy technologies
Wind power scoping study
Scoping study looking at improved methods for calculating the effectiveness domestic wind turbines. The existing methodology for calculating mean annual wind speed under MCS needed updating and this study has determined the best way to estimate wind speed through available tools and techniques.
Scoping study looking at improved methods for calculating the effectiveness domestic wind turbines
Standards review
MCS maintains a comprehensive range of standards relating to the microgeneration sector. A periodic review of all standards documentation was commissioned, with the remit of ensuring that all scheme policies and processes relating to standards management were revised and updated.
A comprehensive review of MCS standards to ensure they up-to-date and easy to use.
Audit and verification
This project was commissioned to undertake a series of technical inspections of installations spread across diverse MCS technologies, Certification Bodies and types of installer. It is designed to provide a better understanding of how the MCS scheme can best protect consumers and support installers through informing a review of the relevant standards, guidance, scheme structure and processes.
Undertaking technical inspections of MCS installations to inform future scheme developments
Guidance on biomass fire-side explosions
Explosions in biomass fired appliances are well-known. This project was focused on the production of a guidance document based on review of information available on fire-side explosions, how they occur, and the risks associated with them.
Producing a biomass guidance document on fire-side explosions, how they occur, and the risks associated with them
Building a GB electricity network ready for net zero
One of the major challenges to reaching net zero is upgrading the grid so that it can cope with increased electrification. Energy experts Regen to undertook a comprehensive analysis of the state of the grid and what is required to upgrade it.
Analysing the state of the UK energy grid so that it can cope with increased electrification
Low carbon communities
Low Carbon Communities is focused on a need to increase private investment in retrofit and, at the same time safeguard and expand affordable warmth work. These two aspects are building blocks towards the provision of wide-spread, end-to-end retrofit services that are rooted on whole house good practice principles of low carbon plans for buildings.
Working with Low Carbon Communities to increase private investment in retrofit and, safeguard and expand affordable warmth work
Innovative programme design and capacity building for area-based retrofit
Working with Leeds City Council to create systems that encourage able to pay households to invest in renewable energy.
Encouraging renewable energy for private households in Leeds
Retrofit supply chain pilot study
Carbon Co-Op has set up a partnership with Manchester City Council to pilot an area based whole house retrofit scheme in Levenshulme, Manchester, which takes a street-by-street approach and is funded through grants or 0% loans.
Partnering with Manchester City Council to pilot an area based whole house retrofit scheme
Apply for grant funding
The MCS Foundation is open to funding a range of projects that advance our mission to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy and low carbon technologies.
If you are seeking funding for a project that you think we could be interested in, please complete the enquiry form below, summarising what you are seeking to achieve and how this fits with our funding criteria.
We will be pleased to hear from you.