
November 22, 2023

Autumn Statement detail to be examined for boost to battery installations

The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement today must ensure a crucial opportunity to boost the number of battery storage systems across UK homes.

The Chancellor’s Autumn Statement has today missed a crucial opportunity to boost the number of battery storage systems across UK homes.

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November 15, 2023

Charity’s vision to make every UK home carbon-free

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November 09, 2023

Apprenticeships key to unlocking Gen Z’s green potential

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October 03, 2023

Market reforms could shield consumers from high electricity bills

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September 20, 2023

Response to expansion of Boiler Upgrade Scheme

Responding to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s announcement on key green policies, the MCS Foundation has deplored the weakening of the phase-out of gas boilers while welcoming the expansion of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to £7,500.

David Cowdrey, Director of External Affairs at the MCS Foundation, said:

“It is bitterly disappointing to see the government rowing back on…

Responding to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s announcement on key green policies, the MCS Foundation has deplored the weakening of the phase-out of gas boilers while welcoming the expansion of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme to £7,500.

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September 19, 2023

Reaction: Rishi Sunak considering weakening planned phase out of gas boilers

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September 12, 2023

First-ever heat pump apprenticeship receives Government funding

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September 06, 2023

Hydrogen levy on energy bills dropped by Government

A levy of £120 that was due to be added onto all households’ energy bills has been removed from the Government’s Energy Bill following a vote in the House of Commons yesterday.

The Government’s proposed hydrogen levy has been highly controversial, attracting opposition from the Conservative Environment Network as well as right-wing Tories, opposition parties and fuel poverty…

A levy due to be added onto all households’ energy bills has been removed from the Government’s Energy Bill

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August 14, 2023

2023 set to be a record year for renewables

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August 01, 2023

Councils gain innovative grants to scale up green home upgrades

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July 17, 2023

New report: France cuts heating emissions ten times faster than UK with heat pump roll-out

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May 24, 2023

Grid can cope with increased electrification – new report 

Net zero will require a transformation of the energy grid on a scale unseen since the 1960s – but these upgrades are possible and will bring huge benefits for UK homes, business and energy security, a new report  has found.

An upgraded grid will allow millions of homes to install heat pumps and EV chargers, and will unlock…

Net zero will require a transformation of the energy grid on a scale unseen since the 1960s

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May 02, 2023

Pioneering space tech to accelerate decarbonisation of housing

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March 27, 2023

Majority of MPs back mandatory renewables for new homes

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