Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship Grant Scheme

LCHTA grant applications are now closed. Thank you to all who worked with us. Watch this space for new grants on offer in 2025!
As part of the MCS Foundation’s work to achieve a carbon-free and future-proofed heating system for every home, we have been supporting the development and roll-out of the UK’s first dedicated heat pump apprenticeship, the Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship.
As the Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship is new, training providers, employers and potential apprentices may benefit from support in preparing for and beginning the training.
To support the roll out of the Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprenticeship, The MCS Foundation launched a grant programme for training providers, employers and apprentices.
- Training providers who commit to starting the low carbon heating technician apprenticeship in before December 2024 were eligible to apply for up to £10,000 to improve the delivery of the apprenticeship. For example, this could be used to purchase equipment for the classroom.
- We offered employers who commit to taking on a Low-Carbon Heating Technician Apprentice up to £2000 towards the associated costs once they have completed 6 months of employment.
- Apprentices were offered the opportunity to sign up for a MCS welcome pack and after completing 1 year of the apprenticeship can apply for a free MCS toolkit.
— Applications now closed —
Applications will be awarded funding on a first come first serve basis until end of November 2024. Final approval of all grants will take place by December 2024.