Research and Consumer Information


Wind power scoping study

Scoping study looking at improved methods for calculating the effectiveness domestic wind turbines. The existing methodology for calculating mean annual wind speed under MCS needed updating and this study has determined the best way to estimate wind speed through available tools and techniques.

Scoping study looking at improved methods for calculating the effectiveness domestic wind turbines

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Smart Solar Homes

This report examines both the individual household benefits of installing smart energy technologies, and the contribution they can make to the whole electricity system, when scaled-up across a portfolio of 4.4 million homes

Report examining the household benefits of installing smart energy technologies

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Energising Advice Report

Scoping study to review the information and advice available to consumers on renewable energy and energy efficiency in the home

Review of the information and advice available to consumers on renewable energy and energy efficiency in the home.

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Geothermal Energy from Mines

Development of a white paper which sets out the commercial, regulatory, market and policy interventions which are needed to address barriers, and accelerate delivery of geothermal energy from mines at scale in the UK.

Developing a calculation method for assessing the benefits of battery storage

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Value of Solar Homes

Research report showing how upgrading a home with a solar power system is an easy and simple way to lower a property’s running costs and increase its value while also reducing its environmental impact

Research report detailing the financial benefits of investing in solar power systems

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Heat Pumps Now

The aim of this project is to develop and showcase the end to end heat pump service and regional supply chain needed to support the roll out of low carbon heat installations in Greater Manchester

Developing and showcasing an end to end heat pump service and supply chain for Greater Manchester

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Measured Savings, Better Outcomes

This project sought to develop a methodology that could be adopted across the sector to help turn energy performance gains into measurable benefits through smart technology.

Data-led project turning energy performance gains into measurable benefits through smart technology

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Housing Archetypes & Heat Pump Deployment

This project sought to develop a methodology that could be adopted across the sector to help turn energy performance gains into measurable benefits through smart technology.

Project focussing on the qualities of different housing archetypes and the retrofit measures required to allow for optimum heat pump installations

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Burning Sunshine

This project will generate original evidence on the role of solar and storage technologies in decarbonising the provision of heat in the UK.

Researching the role of solar and storage in decarbonising UK heating

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Low Carbon Retrofit Accelerator

With our support, Repowering London and Future Climate collaborated on a research and knowledge exchange project to accelerate the decarbonisation of low-rise blocks of flats in the private sector.

Accelerating the decarbonisation of low-rise blocks of flats in London’s private sector

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Rebuilding the Low Energy Buildings Database

Expanding the Low Energy Buildings Database as a resource for UK homeowners, self-builders, local authorities, the construction industry and international audiences.

Expanding the Low Energy Buildings database as a resource for UK homeowners and stakeholders

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Sustainable Heat Insights for Fast and Fair Shift to New Zero (SHIFT-0)

Oxford University led study targeting the transition from gas to heat pumps. It will deliver a model for scalable adoption and learning, and joint publication of policy recommendations.

Oxford University led study targeting the transition from gas to heat pumps

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Self consumption

Drawing on work undertake by Loughborough University, this project saw the development of a calculation method for assessing the benefits of self-consumption of solar PV energy, with and without battery storage.

Developing a calculation method for assessing the benefits of battery storage

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Apply for grant funding

The MCS Foundation is open to funding a range of projects that advance our mission to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy and low carbon technologies. 

If you are seeking funding for a project that you think we could be interested in, please see our funding page for details of our grant programmes.  

We will be pleased to hear from you.