Mass Scale Retrofit


Enabling retrofit at scale in Somerset

This project has been put in place to research and design a permanent, over-arching, not-for-profit service for Retrofit Somerset to promote whole house retrofit to the ‘able to pay’ sector, at scale and at pace, within Somerset.

Research and designing a permanent, over-arching, not-for-profit service for Retrofit Somerset

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Integrating skills and competency in green retrofit

Working with partners in order to develop further education provider readiness to deliver MCS certifiable green skills provision, MCS will provide oversight and strategic support and planning for the project

Working with Neath Port Talbot Council to develop a new generation of contractors

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Retrofit support service

An innovative, best practice support service for homeowners to enable them to carry out the right retrofit and deliver carbon-savings as well as other benefits.

An innovative, best practice support service for homeowners.

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Feasibility study to support retrofit at scale in Oxford

Undertaking detailed feasibility work for an area specific retrofit pilot project in Oxford, with high levels of community and stakeholder engagement.

Undertaking detailed feasibility work for a retrofit pilot project in Oxford with high levels of community engagement.

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Property Linked Finance (PLF)

Property Linked Finance (PLF) is a financial instrument that supports homeowners to fund up to 100% of the upfront costs of energy efficiency improvements. PLF is not currently available in the UK, however if introduced would unlock significant benefits.

Developing attractive green finance that genuinely appeals to consumers

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Retrofit supply chain pilot study

Carbon Co-Op has set up a partnership with Manchester City Council to pilot an area based whole house retrofit scheme in Levenshulme, Manchester, which takes a street-by-street approach and is funded through grants or 0% loans.

Partnering with Manchester City Council to pilot an area based whole house retrofit scheme

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Innovative programme design and capacity building for area-based retrofit

Working with Leeds City Council to create systems that encourage able to pay households to invest in renewable energy.

Encouraging renewable energy for private households in Leeds

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Big solar co-op

The Big Solar Co-op project is laying the groundwork for a sustainable future by harnessing the power of community-driven solar energy.

The Big Solar Co-op project is laying the groundwork for a sustainable future by harnessing the power of community-driven solar energy.

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Low carbon communities

Low Carbon Communities is focused on a need to increase private investment in retrofit and, at the same time safeguard and expand affordable warmth work. These two aspects are building blocks towards the provision of wide-spread, end-to-end retrofit services that are rooted on whole house good practice principles of low carbon plans for buildings.

Working with Low Carbon Communities to increase private investment in retrofit and, safeguard and expand affordable warmth work

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Ambleside to Zero (AtoZ)

The Ambleside to Zero (AtoZ) initiative is an ambitious community-led project aimed at transitioning the town of Ambleside towards carbon neutrality by 2030.

The Ambleside to Zero (AtoZ) initiative is an ambitious community-led project aimed at transitioning the town of Ambleside towards carbon neutrality by 2030.

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Apply for grant funding

The MCS Foundation is open to funding a range of projects that advance our mission to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy and low carbon technologies. 

If you are seeking funding for a project that you think we could be interested in, please see our funding page for details of our grant programmes.  

We will be pleased to hear from you.