
1 Projects

Local Area Retrofit Accelerator (LARA)

The MCS Foundation is seeking expressions of interest from Local Authorities and Combined Authorities who are wanting to develop a Local Area Retrofit plan. The MCS Foundation will provide funding for facilitators to work with the local authority, local partners and installers, to develop and write a retrofit plan tailored specifically to your region and the unique circumstances you have.

The MCS Foundation is seeking expressions of interest from Local Authorities and Combined Authorities who are wanting to develop a Local Area Retrofit plan. The MCS Foundation will provide funding for facilitators to work with the local authority, local partners and installers, to develop and write a retrofit plan tailored specifically to your region and the unique circumstances you have.

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4 Projects

Community Capacity Building

To deliver net zero homes across the UK we need a ground up approach, working with communities across the country to develop knowledge and practical solutions that can be implemented at scale.

To deliver net zero homes across the UK we need a ground up approach, working with communities across the country to develop knowledge and practical solutions that can be implemented at scale.

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12 Projects

Development and Policy

To make every UK home carbon free we need national and local governments to develop sound policy based on robust information. Supporting the development of that research enables us to drive positive change and create the enegy future this country urgently needs.

To make every UK home carbon free we need national and local governments to develop sound policy based on robust information. Supporting the development of that research enables us to drive positive change and create the enegy future this country urgently needs.

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10 Projects

Mass Scale Retrofit

If we are going to achieve our vision and 'make every UK home carbon free' mass-scale retrofit will be critical.

We cannot simply rely on individual households each making their energy renewable. We need to put in place schemes that will see whole neighbourhoods rapidly making the transition to a greener future.

If we are going to achieve our vision and 'make every UK home carbon free' mass-scale retrofit will be critical. We need to put in place schemes that will see whole neighbourhoods rapidly making the transition to a greener future.

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13 Projects

Research and Consumer Information

Robust, science-based research informs and underpins all our work. It also ensures that householders get access to information they can rely on.

Robust, science-based research informs and underpins all our work. It also ensures that householders get access to information they can rely on.

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7 Projects

Skills and Education

To deliver carbon free homes across the UK we will need skills – a local, green workforce, doing the jobs of the future. We are working with Government, manufacturers and installers to help develop these skills, including a low carbon apprenticeship scheme.

To deliver carbon free homes across the UK we will need skills – a local, green workforce, doing the jobs of the future. We are working with Government, manufacturers and installers to help develop these skills.

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3 Projects

Standards and Safety

Standards and safety are vital for the success of renewable energy in UK homes, reinforcing public confidence and driving up quality.

Standards and safety are vital for the success of renewable energy in UK homes, reinforcing public confidence and driving up quality.

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Apply for grant funding

The MCS Foundation is open to funding a range of projects that advance our mission to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy and low carbon technologies. 

If you are seeking funding for a project that you think we could be interested in, please see our funding page for details of our grant programmes.  

We will be pleased to hear from you.