New programme for retrofitting localities launched

A pilot aiming to drive increased retrofit demand and build supply chain capacity through local collaboration and coordination has launched in four local areas.

The Local Area Retrofit Accelerator (LARA) pilot aims to address the lack of demand and capacity in the UK’s retrofit system. Piloted by The MCS Foundation and supported by Ashden, Connected Places Catapult, the National Retrofit Hub and the UK Green Buildings Council (UKGBC), the first four localities participating in LARA have now been announced.

The pilot areas are: Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, Hertfordshire, Liverpool City Region, Surrey. Working with experts at The MCS Foundation and partners, local authority officers and other key stakeholders from each region will analyse existing retrofit systems and build a mandate for partnership working. Through a series of facilitated workshops the stakeholders will agree objectives and then plan the interventions needed to achieve that objective. Through having a joint strategy and instilling collaborative the hope is more can be done with existing resources but also increase external investment.

LARA aims to get strategic stakeholders in each locality involved in developing an ambitious retrofit strategy for their area. This could include training providers, social landlords, and community organisations involved in fuel poverty alleviation work as well as local authorities. If the pilot proves successful then the partnership hope to enable more localities to go through the process. The results of the pilot will be published in Spring 2025.

Alastair Mumford, Programme Director at The MCS Foundation, said “The UK needs to retrofit one house every two minutes for the next thirty years if we are to meet net zero targets. A huge drive of this kind will need extensive and effective collaboration. LARA aims to support localities in scaling up retrofitting in their area, for warm homes, low bills, and essential progress towards net zero.”

Helen Pollock, Clean Growth Manager at Hertfordshire Futures, said “Securing the Local Area Retrofit Accelerator pilot for Hertfordshire is a significant achievement for our residents and businesses. This initiative exemplifies the power of collaboration and innovation. By participating in this pilot, we are positioned to lead the way in green initiatives, driving us closer to our net zero goals and creating a sustainable future for all.”

Cllr Graham Morgan, Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Cabinet Member for Housing and Regeneration, said: “This initiative will enable us to work with local partners to boost the retrofit sector so we can drive down fuel poverty for our residents and achieve our ambition of becoming a Net Zero City Region by 2035. Through the LARA pilot, we want to maximise funding opportunities for retrofitting homes and ensure good businesses can grow and create jobs for local people.”

Micheal Wayne Bexton, Nottinghamshire County Council’s director of green growth Investment and Assets said, “It’s great news that all 19 authorities within the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire area came together to submit a winning bid for the LARA pilot. This shows the commitment of our combined counties and the passion to deliver on retrofit locally and help towards becoming net zero. We look forward to the opportunities that green growth will bring towards helping reduce emissions and supporting our vision for a more healthy, prosperous region.“

Chris Fridlington, Director for Devolution and Development at Bolsover Council, said: “Bolsover District Council have been delighted to have worked in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council to bring together all the local authorities in the East Midlands to put together a successful bid for the LARA pilot. We’re aware that retrofitting the region’s homes at volume and pace is a key ambition of the East Midlands Combined County Authority and this project will help us to work together to do exactly that bringing inward investment, creating jobs, making homes cheaper and easier to heat, and reducing our carbon footprint. Therefore, we’re looking forward to starting on the project in earnest January 2025 and whilst we are really grateful for the support we are getting from a range of partner organisations that already signed up.

Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Marisa Heath, said “Being chosen to work alongside The MCS Foundation and partners on the Local Area Retrofit Accelerator pilot is an exciting opportunity. The project allows Surrey to spend time understanding what ‘retrofit’ means for us. It will give us the chance to work directly with residents and businesses within the local area to co-create a plan for the future that makes our homes and buildings warmer and more efficient, strengthen local business relationships and opportunities, create more ‘green’ jobs and support, whilst working towards our net zero ambitions. This place-based approach to a retrofit strategy will enable us to listen to all areas of society ensuring no one is left behind in our journey to a greener, cleaner future.”


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Lucy Galvin

Lucy Galvin

Mobile; 07954 428437

[email protected]

Jamie Osborn

Jamie Osborn

Mobile; 07975 881585

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